VMP E37: Arrival of a 2001 Space Odyssey

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Like the sands of the hour glass, so are the days of our lives— or something like that.

This week, the boys are back (yet again) to catch up about what’s happened during their sabbatical including reviewing Comic Con trailers, Beeklys, and other various life happenings. After a drivel filled discussion headlined by bad puns and shitty jokes, the boys get right back in the saddle and discuss which interstellar (not Nolan) sci-fi movie makes you think more about your existential existence. Will Denis
Villeneuve kill it again with his latest film, Arrival— or will Kubrick turn enough in his grave for us to realize the genius behind his 2001: A Space Odyssey? LISTEN IN TO FIND OUT!

VMP E37: Arrival of a 2001 Space Odyssey
Lethal Hobo Productions

VMP E36: The Great Zahler-Off!